Tag Archives: hoffice

9 to 5 – at others’ homes, with others. For free.

Would you like some working company, even though you’re not employed, and even though you can’t afford a freelance office? Would you like to support others who want to create a more sustainable world, and get the same support yourself?  Read my story about the new Swedish concept Hoffice (also published in Svenska Dagbladet Näringsliv):


In the daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. November 6th, 2014.

He can provide seatings for ten, eleven people – if some would mind working in the sofa or an armchair. They can use his kitchen and fast Wi-Fi. And he has a quiet room for phone calls – “though of course it will be our bedroom”, as Amrit Daniel Forss clarifies in his Facebook invitation to arrange Hoffice in the apartment at Reimersholme in Stockholm, Sweden.

Continue reading 9 to 5 – at others’ homes, with others. For free.